In Uganda the impact of lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic caused tremendous and continuing hardships to lowest income Ugandans especially the casual workers and households near Queen Elizabeth National park whose crops are destroyed by wild animals like elephants and pigs. The challenges of child labor, early marriage/teenage pregnancy lack of food associated to poverty had continued to rise up to 60% and 2 children were reported dead because of hunger in Kihiihi sub-county according to the survey conducted by staffs of QEMF in March – April 2020
With the donation from Gorge Shnider in GERMANY to Queen Elizabeth Medical Foundation in November 2020 greatly contributed to its quarterly targets of feeding 60 households affected by effects of Covid-19 pandemic in Kanungu district Kihiihi sub-county. QEMF had a target of supporting 80 households for the quarter Oct – Dec 2020. Several items were bought for the orphans and vulnerable children after a vulnerability assessment that was done by QEMF staffs looking at needs per child and households
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