1 in 5 children worldwide are not in school. Especially in most poor households, communities and Refugee Camps included. We are breaking that chain! Children with disabilities, children in crisis, and girls, face the most hardship in gaining an education and suffer the traumatizing consequences when they miss out. Education for all can help safeguard against violence, abuse, and exploitation, and even reduce vulnerability to natural disasters. Child or adult, a person with an education has an opportunity to a future that would not be possible without an education. A woman with an education background has higher earning potential and healthier children, and the more educated that a person gained, the more opportunities become available. We train youths in vocational skills, and teach them different languages to fight poverty and increase development programs.

Uganda, like many sub-Saharan African countries, faces major challenges in providing Quality and accessible basic education to children and adolescents. In Kanungu district only 1 out of 10 children between 3- 5YRS of age is enrolled in Pre-primary education. Many children do not complete their schooling nor have competences needed to do well in life. Only 1 in 4 children who start primary school makes it to secondary school less than 40% of the students are literate at the end of primary school

Education level in the communities neighboring Queen Elizabeth National Park is still every low. Most people specialize in poaching due to high poverty rate. Most young children do not go to school since most of them keep guarding parents’ crops against wild animals.

 In addition to the above there was suffering of young children to access education in Kashojwa, Kihiihi Sub-county Kanungu District due to the following factors

  • Long distances travelled to access school from neighbouring sub-county
  • Road accidents due to poor crossing which made parents loss their children
  • School dropouts due to poverty and chronic illness like HIV

QEMF-Uganda continued to support OVC children to attain their education.

10 children received school fees assistance.

48 primary and secondary school going children were provided with scholastic materials including exercise books, pens, bags, uniforms, mathematical sets, rulers, crayons and pencils


 It’s been two years without children going to school in Uganda, and so much have happened, and poverty almost in every home! Stress everywhere, and many parents not being able to support their children make it back to school, due to being broke!

 Due to all this challenges, we got involved to contribute to this cause! This year, we are able to send ten (10) children to school, both lower level and high school level! We was able to support orphans, especially those who have lost their parents due to HIV-AIDS and living with the trauma stuck without knowing what to do next!

Among these children, other is being raised by single Mom, whom is hard for them to feed their children, Dressing and provide proper housing! Especially in this season, where all people are still recovering from Covid-19! And now it gets tough when it now comes to education and medication. Other children, their both parents have life conditions and Sick, most of their life time, probably not able to support their children’s education.

 Being able to get these children to school this year of 2022 probably it means everything to our organization!  And we believe this means every to them and their families, for those who has families and it is changing their lives.

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